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Each database has unique features to help you find the best information from the most reliable sources. If you need help or would like a customized list of resources for your project, ask Mr. Bice.
The first two databases below (Gale & Explora) are "super" search engines that check several databases simultaneously. 
Further down, you'll find more databases, each with a short content description.
Remember that NoodleTools is available for all your citation needs. 
Consolidated Search Engines:

Consolidated Search Engines:

Click the Gale Pages link above to select a specific Gale Database or access Gale Power Search. 


(From Badgerlink)
Explora from Badgerlink searches all EBSCO databases at once. For more information, click here. To select a specific EBSCO database, click here
MHS & Badgerlink Databases:

MHS & Badgerlink Databases:

Destiny Discover Search for library books on your topic. Sora Digital books, audiobooks & magazines. Badgerlink: Britannica School Encyclopedia articles, images, maps & more. Good starting place. ABC-CLIO Databases covering topics such as geography, history, and health & wellness CQ Researcher In-depth reports on current events & hot topics. ProQuest SIRS Issues Researcher Trusted resource for pro/con issues assignments. 
JSTOR - Journal articles, books, images, and primary sources. Statista - Insights and facts across 170 industries and 150+ countries
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Badgerlink: Academic Search Premier Academic journals for scholarly research.  National Geographic - Learn about character, environment, culture & heritage around the world. Pew Research Center Nonpartisan, informs public about issues, attitudes & trends.
MAS Complete  Popular magazines, books, and multimedia covering a range of subjects. CommonLit Passages on a variety of subjects at multiple reading levels. Includes fiction & non-fiction. Khan Academy - Trusted information in nearly every discipline. Badgerlink: Consumer Health Complete Research regarding everything from mainstream to holistic medicine.  Science Reference Center - Science reference books, images, and periodicals.  Badgerlink: History Reference Center History reference resource.
Badgerlink: U.S. Newsstream - Major newspaper articles dating back to 1980s.  Teens Health Doctor-reviewed information on of physical, emotional, and behavioral topics. Leading source for information on all sides of debatable issues of the day.  World News Digest - Go-to resource for context & background on key issues and events in the news. Badgerlink: Eric Citations and links to full-text articles related to education.  Badgerlink: Literary Reference Center Plus Literary criticism and selected works for English research. 
Research Tips:

Research Tips:

  1. Check the date - In most cases, you want up-to-date information.
  2. Consider the source - Read up on the source before you trust the information. Check Snopes to see if the story has been reported as false. Check for bias in the author/source.
  3. Check the author - What are their credentials? Do a quick Google search to see if the author is legitimate. 
  4. Trace the image. TinEye and Google Images can both reverse image search to find out exactly where an image came from.