Each database has unique features to help you find the best information from the most reliable sources. If you need help or would like a customized list of resources for your project, ask Mr. Bice.
The first two databases below (Gale & Explora) are "super" search engines that check several databases simultaneously.
Further down, you'll find more databases, each with a short content description.
Remember that NoodleTools is available for all your citation needs.
Research Tips:
Research Tips: ![]()
Research Tips:
Check the date - In most cases, you want up-to-date information.
Consider the source - Read up on the source before you trust the information. Check Snopes to see if the story has been reported as false. Check for bias in the author/source.
Check the author - What are their credentials? Do a quick Google search to see if the author is legitimate.
Trace the image. TinEye and Google Images can both reverse image search to find out exactly where an image came from.