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Videos for Class

Watching Videos

Watching Videos

MHS has several subscriptions to educational video resources. Access them below. The library also houses a collection of DVDs. Access the catalog here.
It’s important to remember that educational use does not negate your personal contract with a subscription service such as Netflix or Hulu. Just because you have the ability to stream something in the classroom does not make it legal to do so.  
AVO - Stream video from sources including CBS, CNN, PBS and more. The Achievery - Clips from popular media paired with lessons & activities. ClassHook - Standards-aligned, video clips from students' favorite media. Discovery Education - Access via Clever for digital content. Khan Academy - videos on math, science, computing, history, art, & more. Learn360 - Educational multimedia resources
Netflix Media Center - List of movies & TV available to stream in the classroom. Must have own account. PBS Learning Media Retro Report - Documentary news; non-partisan, independent and nonprofit.  Swank - Movies available to stream; email Mr. Bice with title requests. Click "School Account" to log in. Teachflix - Classroom videos crowdsourced from educators. UnTold - Short American history videos: people, politics, objects, the arts and more.