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Attendance Matters, Every Student Every Day.
The Mukwonago Area School District encourages a strong partnership among the home, school and community.  We recognize a positive relationship between school attendance and success in school and employment. If students are to learn and grow, parents/guardians, students, and school personnel must recognize their responsibilities to ensure regular attendance. 
We take a proactive approach to preventing truancy through a multi-level system of positive behavior interventions and supports. All teachers are required to submit daily attendance reports on all pupils under their charge.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to have their child aged 6 - 18 (and students enrolled in 5K) attend school unless excused by school board action, graduation has occurred, or the student is in a program leading to graduation.
School Notification of Absence

School Notification of Absence

In the event a student must miss school for an excused absence the following procedures should be followed by parent/guardians:
  1. Parents/guardians must call the 24-hour attendance phone number: 262-363-6200 / Option 1 by 9:00 a.m.
    Call-in information must include: student’s name, grade, date, periods of absence, and reason for absence or late arrival. Any student falsifying a call or who is unexcused from a class period may have disciplinary consequences assigned by an administrator.  This rule applies to all students, including those that are 18 years of age or older.
  2. The school reserves the right to determine whether an absence will be considered excused or unexcused.
  3. A record of attendance is required by law and is carefully noted (excused and unexcused) on the student’s permanent record.
Excused Absences

Excused Absences

A student may be excused by the parent/guardian for 10 partial or full days with written notice. Such absences include:
  • College visits
  • Family trips
  • Family or personal illness / emergencies
  • Religious holidays
  • Medical, legal, or personal appointments that cannot be made outside of the school day. 
Student Vacations and Family Trips

Student Vacations and Family Trips

Student vacations or family trips contribute to the 10 parent-excused absences allowed per year. Extended absence and vacation requests should be submitted to the school attendance office at least one week in advance of the planned absence/vacation. Failure to follow this procedure may result in the absence being unexcused.
MASD Planned Absence Form
Unexcused Absences

Unexcused Absences

When a student does not appear in class, or is absent beyond the limit of time considered tardy, the student is marked absent. When a student is marked unexcused without parental notification, a phone call may be made to the parent/guardian to notify them of the absence within 24 hours. Students may be required to make up unexcused absences in a location and manner determined by an administrator.  The Mukwonago Area School District will notify families when a student is repeatedly tardy/truant.  Parents/guardians may be invited to an attendance problem-solving team meeting to provide input and insight on their student’s attendance patterns and to contribute to an attendance action plan for improvement.
Late Arrival / Tardiness

Late Arrival / Tardiness

When late to school, students must report to the attendance office to check in. Failure to check in upon arrival will result in disciplinary consequences. The second unexcused tardy and any thereafter in one semester will result in an office referral.   NOTE: Mechanical car problems or oversleeping are regarded as unexcused absences.
Tardiness to class is a behavior managed by teachers.  After the 3rd tardiness to class, the behavior becomes an office-managed behavior and a referral will be entered into Infinite Campus.
Leaving During The School Day

Leaving During The School Day

Students who become ill while on the school campus must report to the health room. If it is the opinion of school personnel that the student should go home, parents will be contacted by school staff to make these arrangements. No student will be sent home from the school campus during the school day without parent awareness (unless in a medical or legal emergency and the parents are unavailable for contact.)   Students who leave school without checking out through the health room or attendance office will be marked truant. 
Extra Curricular Attendance Requirements

Extra Curricular Attendance Requirements

To participate in practices or competitions, students must be at school by the end of the lunch periods. Typically that is 12:15 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. On Wednesdays, lunches end at 12:30 PM. Exceptions can be made due to doctor appointments, college visits, funerals, etc. Pre-approval should be made with the athletic office in those cases. 
Work Completion Policies After Absences

Work Completion Policies After Absences

Excused Absences

  1. Students with excused absences will be given the opportunity to make up work missed in accordance with the following guidelines.
  2. Students must be responsible to contact their teacher to make arrangements for making up work missed during an absence from school.
  3. Students will be given the opportunity, whenever possible, to make up missing work when they return to school. If it is impossible to make up missed work, the teacher may substitute an equivalent assignment. In no case shall students be penalized solely for the excused absence.
  4. Teachers will allow students the same amount of time the student has been absent to make up work. Teachers have the discretion to extend the make-up timeline to support student learning.
  5. Examinations missed during an excused absence will be permitted to be taken at a time mutually agreed upon by the student and the teacher. If the student and the teacher cannot mutually agree, the student, teacher, and administrator will meet to work out an acceptable arrangement.

Unexcused Absences

Students are responsible for all material presented during the unexcused absence. All students with unexcused absences shall be given the opportunity to make up work missed in accordance with the following guidelines:
  1. Credit in a course or subject shall not be denied solely because of a student’s unexcused absence from school.
  2. Students with unexcused absences shall be permitted to make up major examinations if course credit is at risk. Examination make-up date(s) shall be determined by administrator/teacher discretion. Students in this circumstance shall be prepared to make up the exam on the day of return.
  3. Credit for make-up work can be given only after the student has satisfied the terms of any consequences imposed for unexcused absences. The extent to which make-up work credit can be applied shall be judged on an individual basis. The building administrator and respective teachers are to apply professional discretion as to make- up work assigned and the degree of credit and/or grades given.