The Mukwonago Way
Be Respectful. Be Engaged. Be Responsible. Be Safe.
Be Respectful. Be Engaged. Be Responsible. Be Safe.![]()
Be Respectful. Be Engaged. Be Responsible. Be Safe.

Be Respectful. Be Engaged. Be Responsible. Be Safe.
The Mukwonago Way embodies the expectations for all MHS students to utilize positive, productive decision making skills through the PBIS model. PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support) is an evidence-based, data-driven framework proven to reduce disciplinary incidents, increase a school’s sense of safety, improve school climate, and support improved academic outcomes for all students.
Our Muk Way Mission: To support positive student academic and behavioral achievement (academic and behavior) by utilizing a proactive systems approach for creating and maintaining a safe and effective learning environment.