Dual Enrollment and College Credit
Are You Interested in dual enrollment and obtaining college credit in high school? Check out our options listed in the chart below to determine which opportunity is best for your post-secondary plans.
Are You Interested in dual enrollment and obtaining college credit in high school? Check out our options listed in the chart below to determine which opportunity is best for your post-secondary plans. ![]()
Are You Interested in dual enrollment and obtaining college credit in high school? Check out our options listed in the chart below to determine which opportunity is best for your post-secondary plans.

Dual Enrollment Application process
Dual Enrollment Application process![]()
Dual Enrollment Application process
- Research and identify which dual enrollment option is the best option for you and your post-secondary plans.
- Set up a meeting with your school counselor to walk through the application process, deadlines, paperwork, and expectations.
- Complete your dual enrollment application. Make sure that you include course descriptions for the courses that you are requesting to take along with a copy of your transcript!
- Turn in your completed paperwork (application, course descriptions, and transcript) to your school counselor before the due date (October 1st for spring courses and March 1st for fall courses).
- Wait for approval from the MASD District Office.
- Work with your dual enrollment coordinator on confirming final course selections and enrolling in your selected courses during the open registration period.
- Work with your MHS school counselor on adjusting your MHS schedule (if needed) to accommodate your approved courses.
Important Points To Remember & Resources
Important Points To Remember & Resources![]()
Important Points To Remember & Resources
- Students must maintain a minimum of 6.5 MHS credits regardless of participation in this program.
- Each college credit taken at the college level is worth .25 MHS credits. Most college courses are 3-4 credits equating to .75- 1.0 MHS credits.
- Students must still fill out a full MHS schedule during registration.
- Once the student receives their college course schedule they will work with their MHS counselor to remove/adjust MHS courses as needed.
- Students are responsible for providing their School Counselor with their college schedule and their final grade report at the end of each semester.
- Students who fail a college course through the ECCP, DEA, or SCN programs listed above will be responsible for payment of that course.
- Students may ONLY take college courses approved by the district office.
- Students will receive a decision letter from the District office stating which courses they are approved to take a couple of weeks after the deadline for program applications has closed. Students do not need to enroll in all courses they are approved for.
Click on the links below for additional information on our dual enrollment programs
start college now
start college now![]()
start college now
Log onto the WCTC Start College Now website via the link below and complete the application. Applications for the fall semester must be submitted by March 1st. For Spring semester applications must be submitted by October 1st. Applications should be submitted to your school counselor.
WCTC: Nicole Luzich - 262.695.6513
Dual Enrollment Academy
Dual Enrollment Academy![]()
Dual Enrollment Academy
Log onto the WCTC Dual Enrollment Academy website via the link below and complete the application. Bring the application to your School Counselor prior to any deadlines.The deadline to submit your DEA application is March 1, 2025. Applications should be submitted to your school counselor.
WCTC: Becky Kurter - 262.691.5557
Early College Credit Program:
Early College Credit Program:![]()
Early College Credit Program:
Step 1: Log onto the website of the university you plan on attending and type "Early College Credit Program" in the search box to find out more about your options and their application process.
Step 2: Click the link below to complete this application and submit it to your school counselor. This must be completed by March 1st for Fall courses and October 1st for Spring courses. Remember you can ONLY take courses that are not offered for college credit at MHS. For example, you cannot take Psych 100 at UWM because we offer AP Psych at MHS.
UW-Milwaukee: dual-enrollment@uwm.edu
UW-Whitewater: eccp@uww.edu
Carroll University: ssingsim@carrollu.edu