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The Alternative Education coordinator, Jodi Jonas, oversees the programs for regular education students who are having difficulty in school. The GOAL program—Gaining Opportunities through Alternative Learning—is for 11th and 12th grade students who have been unsuccessful in some of the regular academic courses and are behind in credits. The coordinator works with these students in self-paced, directed instruction curriculum to help them acquire the skills and credits they need to graduate from high school.
The GEDO #2 Program is an alternative education program for high school students who are at risk of not graduating from high school.
The following student qualities are considered before allowing enrollment in the GEDO #2 program:
  • Past student behavior
  • Ability to work in a self-paced environment
  • Strong desire to earn a high school diploma
General Requirements:
  • At least 17 years of age
  • One year behind peers in credits earned
  • Demonstrate an ability to read at the 9th grade level or higher
  • Participate in a formal meeting held prior to beginning the program
  • Students must volunteer for the program (It is a privilege!)