Service Recognition

The Service Recognition Program at Mukwonago High School is designed to recognize those students who have given outstanding service to their school and community throughout their high school experience. Those students who accumulate 200 or more hours of service are awarded with a white service cord for their graduation ceremony.
Service activities cannot be for credit, are done without receiving payment, and are completed under the direction of non-profit organizations. A maximum of 25 hours of school-related service can be counted each year. The remaining hours must come from service that is coordinated and completed for organizations outside of Mukwonago High School. Students may start counting hours the summer prior to their freshman year of high school. There is no yearly hour requirement.
You can locate the Service Recognition Forms here, and print them out before each service event. The form should be completed by the Activity Advisor and then returned to Mrs. Wattles in person or via email ( Mrs. Wattles tracks the cumulative hours for each student throughout their high school career. Forms may be turned in at any time, but are due by April 12th of the student's graduating year to ensure the order and delivery of the cord for graduation.
Make sure to listen to the announcements and check outside the Counseling Office for service opportunities. Questions? Call Mrs. Wattles at (262) 262-6200 ext.25401 or email
Thank you for your service in our school and community!